Thursday 15 May 2014

Taniwha and Seahorses

Finally our taniwha and seashorses are complete and displayed in our room.
We had to sketch them into our sketching books, then when we were satisfied with them
we put the outline on our good paper.  We put colour flow around the outline and then using a dry dye
method we painted our pictures with dye so that they came out nice and bright.
Then we had to use blue, green and white paint to sponge a background.
We think they turned out really well, and we are proud of them.

Dry dying our pictures

Some of our finished pictures


This term we have been doing Geometry - specifically 2 and 3D shapes.
We have been creating 3D shapes with straws.
It's not as easy as it looks.

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Welcome Back.

A big welcome back to Term 2.
We have a wonderful new look classroom - during the holidays Room 2 got new carpet, lighting and blue on our walls.  The old heating system from around the classroom was taken out.  It has given us lots more room for learning.  We are looking forward to a great term 2.  Watch this space to keep up with learning in Room 2.